Saturday, 29 June 2013

Summer goals

I've already started working on a few of my goals for the summer but I just felt like I should list them down for myself as reference:

    • run every other day
    • strength training every other day
    • rockclimbing
    • yoga
    • biking
    • drop in classes once a week
    • film choreography
    • work on it at least 1 hour a day
    • network
    • figure out what you really want to do
  • BLOG
    • post at least once a week
So far I have been working on these goals, but not as much as I should. My problem is procrastination, but it could also be because I have very little drive to just do it. I know through running and working out this summer I'm slowly learning to push myself to reach each checkpoint and keep focused (which hopefully can be applied to how I live my life). 

The last goal will probably be the hardest because I've had no luck recently getting interviews. I think I'm doing a lot of things wrong so I have to take a step back and reevaluate my strategy. 

Also I'm not sure if you noticed but I've been trying to add a picture or a gif to every post of the blog. Here's another little something from the animation project:

Rockclimbing (and being broke)

I signed up for a membership with an indoor rock climbing gym for the next two months, another activity to add for this summer (membership includes yoga and pilates classes woo!). I've pretty much set my summer up for some personal growth. 

It's been two months since I've been out of school and I still have no job and haven't been as productive as I expected I would be. At this point I think I have to look at what I've been doing wrong. Here are some of the tips I've read (courtesy of an email from a buddy of mine) to overcome failure:


  • I take a breath. It’s not the end of the world to fail. I just need some space, some distance. I need to see the problem in perspective. When I do, I realize that the failure is pretty minor in the grand scheme of my life, in the grand scheme of the world of lives around me.
  • I reframe the failure. Someone once said there isn’t failure, only feedback. That means the failure is just a point of information, a part of the learning process. I like to say, it’s not a failure of me as a person, just a failure of my method. Which means I need to change my method.
  • I change the method. If the way I was doing it didn’t work, I need to find a new way. What can I do differently? In some of the cases above, I added some accountability, asked people for help, or looked for inspiration. In some of the other cases, I haven’t changed the method yet, to be honest.
  • I take the first step. The problem can be overwhelming, because quite frankly we can’t solve any of this stuff overnight, or even in a few days. We can, however, take one step, right now. One tiny step. And that’s all that matters.

  • "

    Hopefully this membership will push me a little bit more to get in better shape.

    So far to keep myself active I've been:
    - taking drop in hip hop classes at least once a week
    - running every other day (or running after 2 days)
    - strength training every other day 

    I haven't seen results yet. It's probably because I don't think I am pushing myself to sweat enough so hopefully that changes soon. 

    Thursday, 27 June 2013

    Learning Photography

    I was over at a friends place learning some basic photography. I learned about Aperture, Iso and Shutter speed. I'm excited to experiment more with what I've learned.

    My first photo with a DSLR:
    My first photo experimenting with Aperture and Iso:

     Practice with Aperture and Iso

    Sunday, 16 June 2013

    Project Progress

    Here's a few rough animations. I'm still learning how to animate as I go through with this project.
    These are revolving doors. I created a sequence with the middle doors and learned how to duplicate and resize the same animation.

    here's the rough animation with stick figures. after cleaning up the movement of the stick figures I plan to create another layer and draw the animation of the more detailed characters.

    This animation project is going by really really slowly... hopefully I eventually get to a point where I'm getting through the drawings faster.

    Saturday, 15 June 2013

    Webcam munny

    Hey! a little project that is mostly finished. I just need to fix up some of the paint and lines and get better pictures.

    Here's some of the progress, and where it is now:
    The image above was the original ideas for the body and heads. I decided to go with the head on the left and decided to change a few of the lines for the actual munny.


    Wednesday, 12 June 2013

    Getting Fit

    I've missed a week in blogging! So I'm going to make up for it with a series of mini blogs of what I've been up to in the past week.

    Aside from trying to find a job, I've been trying to be a little healthier and start getting fit.

    Three days out of the week I've gotten myself enough courage to put on running shoes to run around 6.5 km.  I used to think running was boring and thought bboying would be good enough for cardio, but I've found running 6.5 km forces me to use more energy in the least amount of time.

    I have also forced myself to start working out. I dont think I have figured out exactly what workouts to do yet, but I've been doing pushups, chin ups (with the help of a chair because I am too heavy to carry myself), shoulder presses and inclined situps with added weight.

    I've also been taking dance classes more often. learning from OIP definitely pushes me to learn a lot faster than I am used to, and the little kids that pwn the choreo also motivate me to work harder. I'm not sure if this is a phase, but I'm definitely going to make it a point to try and keep dance in my life whether it's through learning choreography or freestyle.

    me by the end of summer: