Saturday, 29 June 2013

Summer goals

I've already started working on a few of my goals for the summer but I just felt like I should list them down for myself as reference:

    • run every other day
    • strength training every other day
    • rockclimbing
    • yoga
    • biking
    • drop in classes once a week
    • film choreography
    • work on it at least 1 hour a day
    • network
    • figure out what you really want to do
  • BLOG
    • post at least once a week
So far I have been working on these goals, but not as much as I should. My problem is procrastination, but it could also be because I have very little drive to just do it. I know through running and working out this summer I'm slowly learning to push myself to reach each checkpoint and keep focused (which hopefully can be applied to how I live my life). 

The last goal will probably be the hardest because I've had no luck recently getting interviews. I think I'm doing a lot of things wrong so I have to take a step back and reevaluate my strategy. 

Also I'm not sure if you noticed but I've been trying to add a picture or a gif to every post of the blog. Here's another little something from the animation project:

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