Sunday, 2 March 2014

Day 5: Auckland: Silo Park

I spent the morning at the library again. I did the same routine: applied to jobs looked up things to do. I decided to move on to Wellington for the next day. Instead of booking the bus I went with the suggestion of my moms contact here to book the train. It was significantly more expensive... so it better be worth it.
At night I went out with my new bff from Rangiora, New Zealand. We went to check out Silo park. Which I happen to pass by the day before...
There were food trucks set up and at 9 they played "this is spinal tap" onto the silo (go watch it, its hilarious). We had some pizza and a lot of dessert. I also had to try a few New Zealand beers. Unfortunately it drizzled a bit and it was a bit chilly but we toughed it out to finish the movie.
Some New Zealand terms I learned from my new best friend:
- Ute = (short for utility) pick-up truck
- Op Shop = (short for Opportunity) thrift shop
- Wop = (short for the wop-wops) in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere
- Sweet as = sweet/awesome
Great way to finish of the week in Auckland.

Food trucks in Auckland
Tuatara hefe wheat beer, raw cocoa cheesecake, tira misu pie, chocolate filled and custard filled imagawayaki
Silo park 

- mike

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