Sunday, 23 February 2014

Thoughts in transit: the months in between

The second part of my thoughts in transit...

The months in between have been interesting. After working for 4 months I went home. As great as it was to be back home I felt useless. It was only 4 months but in those 4 months I felt I had purpose. I had a goal to reach, I did something productive, I had fun. Coming back I felt useless... no more routine, no more income, lots of time on my hands. I would like to say I did something productive but I didnt.

I think the reason i felt that way after coming back was because I didnt set goals for myself. In summer I set goals and strived to reach them. It was the same in Lloydminster. I worked to reach a goal to save some money and have fun doing it.

Despite being unproductive I had a small turning point on new years. Jan 1 I booked my flight to NZ, a week after I applied and got my work holiday visa. After booking the flight I attempted to get back into dancing once a week and striving to catch up with old friends. I went to ottawa for a week and went snowboarding often. I also applied to nursing again (I really hope I get in).

I was set for my adventure, but sometimes shit happens...


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