Thursday, 15 May 2014

Day 40: Dunedin: Wandering the City + Rugby

Today was mostly exploring, hoping to find something interesting. I went to the usual Dunedin sights such as St. Pauls cathedral, Otago University, Cadbury Factory, Dunedin Railway Station and Baldwin St. I figured since I had lots of time I would spend it getting lost in the city. 

The first night in my hostel was a bit interesting. It was great that I had my own room (because no one else checked in that night) but that just made it harder to meet new people. Since there was no way for me to meet people in the hostel I guess I had to figure out how to meet someone out in the city...

My chance came walking to Baldwin Street (apparently the steepest residential street in the world). There were two other germans struggling to get up the street, so on my way back down the street I joined them for a break. After the street we went to the botanical gardens to just sit and have some NZ herb. 

Since it was a Friday and Dunedin was a city close to the sea, I decided to have fish and chips and seafood for lunch and dinner. It was amazing.... I even tried the bluff oyster, which was pretty expensive but worth it just to say I tried it.

After dinner I went to meet up with some Canadians I met back in Wellington. One of them found out that rugby tickets sold for 12 NZD, and I decided why not? It wasn't an All Blacks game, but it was still a Super Rugby match with Dunedin vs Melbourne. A good experience all in all, with a few beers after the match!

St Pauls Anglican Cathedral

Otago University, well known for it's Medical School


Dunedin Railway Station

Baldwin Street, the steepest residential street in the world

so steep the sidewalks are stairs

Dunedin botanical gardens with mah homies

Eating alone: bluff oyster

Eating alone: fish and chips

Rugby! one minute in, someone got injured

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